The Grègoire Bellemare 20-Minute Chest Calisthenics Workout


This 20-minute chest calisthenics workout isn’t for the faint-hearted. Getting your form right is crucial, so we’ve asked Grégoire Bellemare to share his top tips for getting the most from this session.

You’ll need: 

  • Fit Home Gym or parallel bars with push-up hand grips

  • (optional) Resistance bands


You’ll engage the entire upper body throughout this workout. Before you get started, you need to complete a warm-up. This warm-up only takes 4-5 minutes but is a crucial part of avoiding injury.

Arm Circles

Start with some full arm circles for 30 seconds.

  • Arms should be by your sides.

  • With core engaged, rotate your arm in a full circle.

Wrist Rotations

Next, complete 30 seconds of wrist rotations.

  • Complete the wrist rotations on both wrists in little circles.

Protraction and Retraction

Finally, spend 30 seconds on a series of protraction and retraction movements. 

  • Have your shoulders to your side and down.

  • Round your scapular to protract and squeeze.

  • Retract by squeezing your shoulder blades together. Then squeeze.

Exercise #1: Incline Push-Up

Incline push-ups are a variation of the classic push-ups. By including an incline, you require a smaller range of movement than floor work and work a slightly different set of muscles. This exercise works the deltoids in your shoulders and the triceps. It also focuses exertion on the shoulders and upper chest more than standard push-ups.

  • Complete the exercise for 30 seconds continuously

  • 4 sets

  • 30-second rest between sets



  1. Choose an incline that you can comfortably control.

  2. Engage your core and glutes throughout the exercise.

  3. Start with your arms straight and at 90° to your body.

  4. Lower yourself to the bar.

  5. Return to the starting position.

Don’t be tempted to go too low. It’s better to maintain control than push for depth. You should also remember to control your breathing. Inhale as you bend your elbows and lower your chest. Then exhale as you straighten your arms to return.

Aim to complete as many as possible within 30 seconds without rushing. If you reach fatigue, stop the exercise, rest, and move on to the next set.

Exercise #2: Dips

Dips exercise muscles across your chest, especially the pecs. You’ll also find that it works the front of the shoulders and triceps.

  • Complete as many controlled dips as possible within 30 seconds

  • 3 sets

  • 30-second rest between sets



  1. Get into position with straight arms. Push through your shoulders so that you’re in a tall position.

  2. Tilt yourself forward slightly, then descend to a point where your shoulders are level with your elbows. A 90° arm bend is a good aiming point.

  3. Whenever you reach the top, squeeze your triceps to engage them.

For greater range, feel free to go past the elbows with your shoulders. Don’t, however, dip so low that you lose control and cannot return to the starting position. This increased range will engage further muscle groups and develop the exercise further.

If the dips are too hard, put a band between the bars to take some of your weight through the knees.

Exercise #3: Wide Push-Up 

The wide push-up is a very similar movement to the incline push-up. It also works a similar group of muscles but in a different way. It will build endurance and strength in your pectoralis, anterior deltoid, and triceps.

  • As many as you can in 30 seconds

  • 3 sets

  • 30-second rest between sets



  1. Get into a plank position with a rigid body. Your hands should be wider than your shoulders.

  2. Grip the handles of your home gym or spread your hands forward.

  3. Bend your elbows out to the side. Lower yourself so your chest hovers just above the ground.

  4. Pause at the lowest depth of the movement.

  5. Engage your core, press into your hands, and return to the plank position.

To reduce difficulty, use your knees or one knee as a support.

Exercise #4: Regular Push-Up 

A go-to chest exercise, the regular push-up works the muscles in your chest, the front of your shoulders, and the triceps. It also has the added bonus of toning your core when it is engaged.

  • As many as you can in 30 seconds

  • 4 sets

  • 30-second rest between sets



  1. Get into a plank position with a rigid body. Place your hands just below your shoulders.

  2. Grip the handles of your home gym that are shoulder width or place your hands on the floor.

  3. Bend your elbows out to the side. Lower yourself so your chest hovers just above the ground.

  4. Pause at the lowest depth of the movement.

  5. Engage your core, press into your hands, and return to the plank position.

Always keep your body rigid throughout the exercise. Any arch should be eliminated so that the risk of injury is reduced. Don’t allow yourself to hit the ground between push-ups. This will inhibit your form and minimize muscle use. If you need to break, it’s better to pause then restart.

Exercise #5: Push-Up Position Hold

This exercise works in the same groups as the other push-ups, but here, we’re working to feel the stretch.

  • Hold at the bottom of a push-up for 30 seconds

  • 3 sets

  • 30-second rest between sets

Hold at the bottom of a normal push-up movement. This will cause a little stretch across your chest. Try to hold it for 30 seconds. If it gets too hard, take a small rest and then resume the exercise.

Mission Complete

Complete this 20-minute chest calisthenics workout, and you’ll feel the burn. You’ll also quickly notice progress and gains across your upper body and chest. Remember, the key to these exercises is control. Don’t push for a deeper depth of movement if it causes you to lose control or begins to feel painful.


The Fit! App Home Gym further enhances each of these exercises. It quickly and conveniently gives you the precise position to find the correct form. One piece of dedicated equipment has you perfectly set up for multiple exercises and an incredible chest workout.